
Author Archive for: ‘andrew.evans’

Andrew Evans

I’m that Mortgage Guy! Focused on helping Australian families score their dream homes. I love helping people with home loans and investing!

What is it really like to live in Sydney’s East?

Ah, Sydney’s little pocket of style and culture. Yes, Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs are the emerald city for those who enjoy cutting edge culture, particularly those after good vegan restaurants, pilates, and sipping pressed juice by the beach. But that’s not all Sydney’s Eastern suburbs has to offer. Whether you’re into fine dining, bush walks, beach …

Why focusing on your family will make you wealthier

When you finally purchase your first home, you’re likely cracking the champagne as you draw a big, thick line across your bucket list. “Done!” you think. One item down, 50 more to go. It’s a tremendously satisfying feeling, finally getting those keys and securing a mortgage for your new house in Sydney. Take that, housing …

The 4-step de-clutter cure

Clutter is one of the biggest problems when moving homes. If you’ve been in your rental property for a couple of years now, you’ll likely be incredibly surprised at the amount of crap you’ve accumulated…no matter how long you’ve actually been in the space. But you love your stuff! Those Matt Blatt replicas and Kmart …

Avoid the lazy tax and refinance your home loan stat

Hey, I hate to break it to you, but you’re probably throwing your money down the drain. ‘Now why would you accuse me of a thing like that, Andrew?’ you ask. I’m not intentionally trying to wind you up. It’s just a matter of tough love. According to the last Census in 2011, if you’re …

Your financial fitness plan for home owning success

To state the blatantly obvious, debt sucks. It’s not just the emotional drain of living with a bank-sized elephant on your shoulders as you live pay check-to-pay check, it also effects your future. Being in debt ruins your credit rating, and when your credit rating is in the red, you’re squandering your chances of buying …

The emotional rollercoaster of buying a home in Sydney

You buy shoes on an impulse, but what about your home? It’s a calm, deliberate decision, right? Not always. Imagine for me, if you will, your dream home, on the perfect street. It’s right near all your favourite cafes, features a master room ensuite and a nice garden. But nothing too big or too hard …

The smart approach to buying a home in Sydney

In my role as a mortgage broker, I help young Australian first homebuyers to buy their first home. By the time they come to me, they’ve already made up their mind. They want to buy a home, because they understand it’s a good, long-term financial decision. But you? You’re probably still on the fence. You’re …