If there’s one huge generalisation I can make about young Australians today, it’s that travel is a huge priority. It’s not just what I’m seeing on Facebook and Instagram either: earlier this year TripAdvisor released a report which revealed Australians would increase their travel budgets by 19% in 2015, and the average number of international trips were set to increase by 36%. The report, which was conducted on behalf of TripAdvisor by independent research firm Ipsos, proves just how wanderlust-obsessed our nation is.
In fact, the average Australian is reported to spend over $15,000 a year on travel. And it’s money well spent when you value experiences and memories. There’s nothing quite like looking back on those times you spent exploring Brooklyn Heights, or cycling down a mountain in Bali. Ahhh…you can still taste the Kopi Lowak from here.
But travel’s a huge investment. Everyone has that friend who’s saving for a holiday. They’ve cancelled their gym membership, they’ve moved back home, and they’re living off toast to fund their next trip to Europe. Saving for a holiday takes determination, perseverance and discipline. And it usually comes with sacrifices, like moving back in with the parents, and waiting until you get back to Australia to start saving for a home. Or another holiday.
It seems like today, you have to pick just one: be the proud owner of multiple passports full of international customs stamps, or be the proud owner of a home. How do you choose? Which is right for you in the long run?
Well….what if I told you that you could have both?
Don’t quit this browser: this is not a click-bait article, I promise.
I’m being serious though: it’s possible to check out the pyramids and land the home of your dreams. Within the same three years.
The deal? It’s as easy as becoming a Qantas Frequent Flyer. For free.
Earn Qantas Frequent Flyer Points on Your Home Loan
The fine people at Qantas are offering new homeowners the chance to earn some serious frequent flyer points. And when I say serious, I mean seriously generous and rewarding. When you choose a home loan with certain lenders, they credit your frequent flyer account 150 points for every $1,000 on your loan. Each Year.
Sound good? Here’s how you can get your home loan to fund your next holiday:
- You find your dream home and get a $500,000 mortgage.
- Earn Qantas Frequent Flyer Points. 218,000 of them over three years.
- That is all.
And just so you know, you only need 128,000 points to get from Sydney to Paris return!
Ca-ching! That’s basically free money. Hello, world!
Find out where your home loan could take you
Want to find out how many points you can earn?
Use our free tool to find how your home loan could be just the ticket for your next getaway.